Estroven is the brand name of several herbal dietary supplements advertised to ease some of the most frequently experienced symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and insomnia. It first appeared on the market in 1997. There are several different products available depending on the symptoms that need to be treated.
Depending on the symptoms of menopause they have been formulated to treat, some Estroven supplements have additional ingredients including:
- Melatonin
- Magnolia bark
- Ginkgo biloba
- Cissus quadrangularis
- Rhapontic rhubarb
- Caffeine
The symptoms (and intensity of symptoms) of menopause can vary. The various formulations of Estroven products are advertised as providing relief for some of the possible symptoms of menopause including insomnia, hot flashes, and stress.
However, there is only limited research about the safety and effectiveness of products like Estroven for menopause treatment.
Estroven products are advertised as being designed for people experiencing symptoms related to menopause. When a person experiences their last menstrual period, usually sometime in one's 40s or 50s, they enter into a transitionary period of life called menopause.
Most people enter into menopause naturally as a result of decreasing hormones as they age, but they may begin the process early (premature menopause) due to a medical condition, a medication, or surgery to remove the ovaries. Menopause may also be induced if the ovaries are damaged, such as during chemotherapy.1
Menopausal Symptoms
Estroven products may help provide relief from:
- Hot flashes
- Insomnia
- Night sweats
- Vaginal dryness
- Mood changes and stress
- Low energy
- Weight changes
Estroven is an herbal dietary supplement that comes in the form of a capsule. The supplement can be taken daily with or without food, though taking it with food will help avoid mild stomach upset that may occur when taking supplements.
People experiencing symptoms of menopause should talk to their healthcare provider before starting Estroven or any other herbal or dietary supplement.
Estroven products should not be taken if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are trying to become pregnant. Children should not be given Estroven.
Possible Side Effects
Estroven reports its products are generally safe and well-tolerated by most people who take them, but it's important to note that the safety and potential for longterm side effects when using black cohosh, a main component of Estroven products, have not been adequately studied.
Additionally, a 2012 Cochrane review of one of the supplement's main ingredients, black cohosh, revealed there is insufficient evidence to support it is an effective treatment for menopausal symptoms.3
Taking products that contain black cohosh can lead to a number of symptoms. While some may be relatively mild, in rare cases, people taking commercial products containing black cohosh have experienced symptoms related to liver damage—though the exact nature of the relationship remains unclear.
The U.S. Pharmacopeia recommends that people with diseases or conditions affecting the liver ask their healthcare provider before taking any supplements that have black cohosh in them.4
Black Cohosh Side Effects
When taking black cohosh you may experience:
- Stomach upset
- Rash
- Slow heart rate
- Headaches
- Dizziness or feeling light-headed
- Joint pain
It's unclear if back cohosh has serious interactions with other medications.5 If you are taking any prescription medications or receiving treatment for a disease, such as chemotherapy for cancer, you should tell your healthcare provider before taking a product with black cohosh in it or any other herbal supplement.
A Word From Verywell
If you are experiencing some of the common symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes or insomnia, it's possible herbal dietary supplements such as Estroven may help ease some of your symptoms. However, you should know that more research is needed to determine if the supplement is safe and effective, and side effects are possible.2
While you don't need a prescription, and Estroven products can be purchased over the counter at most major retailers, pharmacies, and online, you should still talk to your healthcare provider before starting Estroven or any other herbal or dietary supplement.